Chaplains | Spiritual Well-Being Centre
Wing Services Chaplains (
17 Wing Spiritual Well-Being Centre
2235 Silver Avenue, Winnipeg (Off Whytewold/Wihuri Road)
Unit Chaplain Office Locations
Wing Chaplain: Building 137, Room 156A.
Phone Local 4885
Hangar Chaplain: 16 Hangar, 3rd Floor, Room 3290.
Phone Local 5785
MSS / OSS Chaplain: Building 129, Room 177.
Phone Local 5272
Transition Centre / CFRC / CFSSAT / MP Flight / RCAF Band Chaplain: Building 64, Room 106.
Phone Local 5087
Detachment Dundurn
1-306-492-2135 ext. 4299
Emergency Duty Chaplain (after hours)
204-833-2500 Local 2633 or 2700

Mailing Address
17 Wing Winnipeg
PO Box 17000, Stn. Forces
Winnipeg, MB R3J 3Y5
Sunday Catholic Mass or Liturgy of the Word with Communion
Ste Marguerite Bourgeoys Roman Catholic Faith Community
Chapel section of 17 Wing Spiritual Well-Being Centre
Contact a chaplain for current timings.
Sunday Protestant Worship
Good Shepherd Protestant Faith Community
Chapel section of 17 Wing Spiritual Well-Being Centre
Contact a chaplain for current timings.
Monthly Indigenous Traditional Sweat Ceremony
Sweat Lodge of 17 Wing Spiritual Well-Being Centre
Contact a member of the Defence Indigenous Advisory Group (DIAG).
Multi-faith Prayer Room
(Available upon request)
17 Wing Spiritual Well-Being Centre
Sentinel Course
Held throughout the year- contact your unit chaplain for more information.
17 Wing Chaplain Services
What is the RCChs?
The Royal Canadian Chaplain Service (RCChS) contributes to the operational effectiveness of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) by supporting the moral and spiritual well-being of military personnel and their families in all aspects of their lives, during conflict and peacetime. Our motto is "VOCATIO AD SERVITIUM" which means "Called to Serve".
What does a Chaplain do?
A chaplain attends to the spiritual needs of people through conducting religious services, counseling, encouraging individuals in understanding themselves, interpreting theological/ moral issues and ethical questions, educating others in such areas as ethics, anger management, suicide prevention etc., and visiting the sick within the pluralistic environment of the CAF, military chaplains are extremely sensitive to the need to help CAF personnel and their families explore spiritual issues without imposing religious doctrine and practice.
Called to Serve:
A Strategy for Canadian Forces Chaplaincy
Our Features
Faith Worship & Spirituality
Please speak to us as far in advance as
possible for weddings, baptisms and
funerals. We are also available to discuss matters of individual spirituality and spiritual resilience
Support Services
17 Wing Chaplain Services provides a wide range of services in support of domestic and international operations, exercises and events. We provide advice to and engage with the DND/CAF chain of command and are available for ground training days.
Education & Programs
17 Wing Chaplain Services offers courses in preparation for weddings, baptisms, and first communion. We also offer workshops and lunch-and-learn programming related to spirituality throughout the year.
Special Events
The 17 Wing Community may reserve the 17 Wing Spiritual Well-Being Centre and/ or its Common Social Space for special events.
Specal events organized in support of the 17 Wing Spiritual Well-Being Centre will be communicated through various channels including the Voxair newspaper (see
Please register for events at
We Are Here to Serve
Our Features
What is Care & Share?
The 17 Wing Care & Share is a benevolent fund established to provide emergency support (financial and/or necessities) to Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members, Department of National Defense (DND) employees and their families in times of extreme need.
(Note: It is not a registered charity.)
How can I contribute to the
Care & Share Fund?
CAF members, DND members and their
families are encouraged to attend and/or participate in various events held
throughout the year in support of the 17 Wing Care & Share Benevolent Fund.
17 Wing Care & Share
Vision & Mission
To uphold the dignity and well-being of
CAF members, and DND employees, and their immediate family while providing them support when they are experiencing difficulty in maintaining thenecessities of life.
17 Wing Care & Share