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Engaging Canada: The Role of the Stakeholder Engagement Office in National Defence

By Capt Matt Zalot & Gabrielle Rivest, SEO-E

In a world marked by complexity and unpredictability, the Department of National Defence (DND) and the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) rely on the expertise of professionals and scholars in the defence and security sectors to tackle emerging challenges and adapt to ever-changing circumstances. This is where the Stakeholder Engagement Office (SEO) comes in; serving as a unique platform for experts, academics, and opinion leaders from across Canada to connect, communicate, and collaborate on defence and security issues.

Stakeholders from the Canada Company tour the Fleet Diving Unit (Atlantic) and learn about the role of navy divers during a visit to HMCS Dockyard in Halifax on July 11, 2024.

Participants of the Great Canadian Marine Career Expo (GCMCE) take a day sail on HMCS Glace Bay along the St. Lawrence Basin in October 2023.

The SEO operates through three regional offices across Canada, with its national headquarters in Ottawa. By educating and engaging with Canadians about the CAF’s role, personnel, and mission, these offices aim to shape perceptions and foster a deeper understanding of the country’s military and defence operations. The goal is to transform negative or neutral impressions into informed support for the organization and the people who serve within it.

In Quebec and the Atlantic provinces, SEO-East plays a crucial role. The office establishes and maintains relations with key opinion leaders in academic, cultural, and business communities. With a dedicated team of six full, and part-time members, SEO-E acts as a bridge between the public and the CAF, offering a unique perspective on what it means to be part of the Defence Team.

Minister of Defence, the Honourable Bill Blair, delivers remarks about Canada’s defence policy update, Our North, Strong and Free, to the Halifax Chamber of Commerce on June 27, 2024.


Unlike traditional public affairs, which focus on media relations and operational communications, the SEO emphasizes relationship building and public relations. Working closely with partners at the 2nd Canadian Division/Joint Task Force (East) and the 5th Canadian Division/Joint Task Force (Atlantic), SEO-E provides the public with an in-depth look at the work of the people in uniform. Through these efforts, the SEOs across Canada strive to foster a better understanding and appreciation of the DND and the CAF, helping to build a more informed Canadian society.

Members of the CAF Patriots football team pose in Ferland Park, Montreal, before their game against the club from NSK in early August 2024. Colonel Shame, Commander 34 CBG, was present to cheer for the team.

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